The Journey Book…Undergrowth #8…Publication


The Journeybook is quite arguably “The World’s Best Psychedelic Anthology”, with global contributions from established writers, artists and bold new minds alike. You can browse through the flipbook to see the contents or read some selected excerpts here in the downloadable PDF sampler (4.3 meg):


Undergrowth #8: The Journeybook is an essential map of hyperspace for the contemporary psychonaut and the uninitiated alike. Travel through time and space and partake of mushrooms at Harvard, hemp in Nimbin, DMT in the Amazon and anti-depressents in the suburbs of the West, to name but a few of the experiences which await you. Dance at Dionysian festivals, meet alchemists in the laboratories of Switzerland, trippers in the corporate highrises of Brisvegas, and journey to the edge of the universe within our anthology’s pages. A collection of tales of altered states, essays, history and manifesto for psychedelic culture in the 21st century. It covers the modern usage of sacramental plants and offers insights into traditional and contemporary shamanism, as well as analysis of the current state of global psychedelic culture and its place in a sustainable future.

It features interviews with Terence McKenna (previously unpublished), Dennis McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, as well as articles by Rak Razam, Erik Davis, Graham St John, Tim Parish, Tim Boucher, Dave Cauldwell, Des Tramacchi, Brummbaer and others. An 18x 20 cm art book edition with over 250 pages, it is fully illustrated with over 50 pages of colour paintings, photography and digital graphics from the Undergrowth art collective, including new works by regular Undergrowth contributors Gerhard Hillmann, Oliver Dunlop, Izwoz, Ahimsa, Tim Parish, Rak Razam and others. The Journeybook is an essential handbook for those interested in the subject of consciousness, spirituality and understanding the rich pharmacopia of thought that exists beyond the confines of mainstream cosmology.

Undergrowth # 8: The Journeybook: Travels on the frontiers of consciousness
ISBN 978-0-9758071-2-5 Published by Undergrowth Inc.

Founded in Australia in 2004, the Undergrowth collective is an evolving global organism of writers, artists, media makers and cutting edge ontological guerillas. For more information visit the publisher’s website: {we live not underground, but in the undergrowth}


This book and website are published in the spirit of intellectual exploration and consciousness expansion. The ideas contained within are only that: ideas. Hallucinogenic plants and psychedelic substances may be harmful and illegal in many parts of the world, and users take them at their own risk. Undergrowth and the individual contributors herein do not endorse the use of psychedelic drugs by unqualified persons and cannot be held responsible for any misadventures resulting from the misuse of information presented here. Tripper, know thyself.

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