Mangrove Light Panorama



I have been photographing these particular mangroves for years but this is the first image which I am truly happy with. It involved walking through the mangroves and along the beach during  low tide while it was still dark. As the sun rose and the mangroves started to take on a warm glow mirrored in the reflection I knew it was one of those magical moments I was witnessing. The calmness and serenity of  the moment caught as the tide turns make this panoramic image sing. This image is designed to be printed large up to 2 metres in length. Photo taken near Port Douglas, North Queensland, Australia. click on image to enlarge

Mangrove Light panoramic image by Gerhard Hillmann

Mangrove roots not only help stabilise the 
tree but also breathe air. They have air-breathing roots to avoid 
suffocation in the oxygen poor mud, The aerial roots and 
salt-filtering tap roots also enable them to deal with salt. 
Mangroves tolerate more salt in their tissues than “normal” 
plants. Any salt that gets through are believed to be stored 
in old leaves which are later shed.They then secrete the 
excess salt through special cells on their leaves.

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